Blue e+ S Climate Control for Enclosures Service
January 23, 2023
How to video explaining how to service Rittal Blue e+ S climate control for enclosures.
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Rittal Introduces Blue e+ S Cooling Units cUL Approved for Canada

Rittal is expanding its smart cooling unit solutions by adding the new Blue e+ S range. Their latest generation of cooling units with lower output categories of 300, 500, and 1,000 W have been designed for efficiency, ensuring a smaller footprint and lower costs – just like their “bigger brothers.” So, it’s a win-win both for users and for our future.
Solutions that reduce our carbon footprint during production are in high demand. But at the same time, these solutions need to be intelligent and communication-enabled so that they can be easily integrated into digitalized manufacturing environments. Seven years ago, Rittal responded to this demand with its Blue e+ range of cooling solutions and launched extremely efficient enclosure cooling units, which provided on average energy savings of 75 percent.