PSENopt Light Curtain Portfolio From Pilz Prevents an Unintended Restart – Managing Lockout Efficiently and Safely

March 29, 2021
With PSENopt II lockout, a restart interlock is now available for the PSENopt II light curtain range from Pilz. This prevents the machine from restarting unintentionally, during maintenance work within danger zones for example. There is no need for additional safety sensors, immediately making a visual inspection of the danger point superfluous. So PSENopt II lockout represents not only a safe but also an economical, easy-to-use solution to prevent an unintended restart.
The accessory solution PSENopt II lockout from the robust PSENopt II light curtain range includes a fixing device and corresponding swivel arm.
Managing unintended restart more efficiently
PSENopt II lockout can be assembled quickly: The fixing device is simply attached to the side of the light curtain. There is nothing complicated about the handling either: the swivel arm can be folded over in front of the light curtain’s field of vision as soon as the danger zone is accessed, for maintenance work for example. Additional safety is provided by a lock, which stops anyone readjusting the swivel arm. As its field of vision is forcibly interrupted, the light curtain no longer has an unobstructed view, so preventing a restart. This simple handling saves users time, which increases the availability of their plant or machine.
Safety light curtain solution as a complete package
The accessory PSENopt II lockout can be used with PSENopt II light curtains from Pilz. As the units are so robust, PSENopt II light curtains provide protection against shock, collision and vibration and so are also suitable for use in rugged industrial environments. PSENopt II offer finger, hand or body protection for applications up to PL e in accordance with EN/IEC 61496-1/-2 and are available in lengths of 150 mm to 1800 mm. They guarantee safe intervention into production processes: Particularly on manual workstations, access guarding, material infeed and outfeed or when handling material alongside robots, the use of PSENopt II reduces any unnecessary machine stops, enabling greater productivity.
Beyond PSENopt II lockout there is a comprehensive range of additional accessories – from assembly aids through to mirror columns – expanding the portfolio of the PSENopt II light curtain range. In combination with the configurable small controller PNOZmulti 2 from Pilz, users have a safe, complete, one-stop solution.