KEB America Introduces EtherNet/IP for S6 and F6 Drives

June 16, 2020
KEB America today introduced EtherNet/IP for its S6 servo drive and F6 VFD products. EtherNet/IP is immediately available with firmware version 2.6 and higher with the Application control board. KEB’s implementation uses the AC Drive Profile to increase interoperability between similar device types. KEB’s EtherNet/IP has been tested and is certified by ODVA, Inc.
Supported KEB drives are currently available in both 230VAC and 460VAC classes, up to 500Hp. In addition to EtherNet/IP, KEB drives support Profinet, EtherCAT, CAN and Powerlink through a quick parameter adjustment. The KEB EtherNet/IP drive products are available with options like Regenerative Braking, Liquid Cooled heatsinks, Internal Positioning Control, and SIL3 certified Safe Motion functions.