Emergency Lockdown Solutions with ControlByWeb
April 16, 2024

Emergency lockdown solutions are important. Ensuring the safety of workers and students is crucial in today’s society. In situations that are changing quickly, traditional emergency response techniques might not be sufficient. To solve this issue, ControlByWeb provides creative solutions, including an extensive and effective emergency lockout system for offices and schools.
Overview of the Emergency Lockdown System
ControlByWeb provides a flexible solution for emergency lockdowns by using IP network connectivity and physical panic buttons to initiate and control lockout procedures with ease. Through the integration of controllers, network devices, and panic buttons, ControlByWeb provides an adaptable and expandable security measure enhancement solution.
Case Study Scenario

In a typical school or office setting, implementing an emergency lockdown system with ControlByWeb products unfolds as follows:
Triggering the Lockdown:
- A panic button is pressed, sending an immediate signal to the X-600M Industrial Controller.
The Brains of the Operation:
- The X-600M swiftly disseminates the lockdown command to all local and networked ControlByWeb devices.
- Text alerts are dispatched to instructors and emergency personnel, ensuring timely communication.
- The system logs the initiator of the lockdown for accountability.
Activation of Local Devices:
- The X-600M activates devices directly connected to its expansion modules, such as audio alarms, lights, and locks.
Engaging Network Devices:
- Networked devices, like WebRelays, are activated to secure classrooms or offices by closing relay contacts on door locks.
Lockdown System Explained
ControlByWeb’s advanced emergency lockdown system instantly communicates with the X-600M controller for immediate activation by combining a panic button with the X-17’s digital input. This sets off a well-coordinated series of events: nearby gadgets like flashing lights and audio alarms are directly connected to the X-17s relays, thus amplifying alerts within the building. Simultaneously, WebRelay modules that are linked to door locks activate immediately upon the pressing of a panic button, which improves security measures immediately.
This comprehensive solution highlights how flexible ControlByWeb is, accommodating a range of settings from small buildings to large campuses. Scalability is nearly limitless, as it can handle up to 1,024 I/O points while offering daisy-chaining options for WebRelay modules. This versatility enables businesses to customize the emergency lockdown system exactly to meet their requirements, guaranteeing the execution of efficient response plans that put security and safety first in a variety of scenarios.
Key Features:
- Control door locks via IP network, leveraging existing infrastructure.
- Utilize mechanical push buttons or phones for activation.
- Alert emergency personnel promptly via email and text notifications.
- Secure access with password protection for system control.
- Log initiation of lockdown events for accountability.
- Cost-effective solution with no monthly fees or additional software requirements.

ControlByWeb’s emergency lockdown system offers a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solution for enhancing safety in schools, offices, and other large complexes. By leveraging existing infrastructure and customizable features, ControlByWeb empowers organizations to respond swiftly and effectively to emergencies, prioritizing the well-being of students, employees, and stakeholders.
Available at Vanco Electrical Supplies – Certified Distributor of ControlByWeb®
Source: CBW – Building Lockdown In Under 1 Second
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