March 28, 2019
Motion Industries, Inc. is pleased to announce that its parent company, Genuine Parts Company (GPC), presented Randy Breaux (Motion Industries President – North America) and Kevin Storer (Motion Industries Executive Vice President U.S. Operations and President of Motion Mexico) the 2018 GPC Manager of the Year honor. It is the single highest individual recognition in all of Genuine Parts Company.
“This is the 60th consecutive year that we have recognized one Manager of the Year out of all our associates worldwide,” said Paul Donahue, President & CEO of Genuine Parts Company. “This year we decided to present the Manager of the Year Award to both Randy and Kevin to recognize the outstanding efforts of both leaders, resulting in a record year during a challenging time with the passing of Tim Breen, former President & CEO, in August. This award is the highest honor at GPC – a significant recognition of both Randy’s and Kevin’s exceptional leadership of the Motion Team in 2018.”
Prior to being named Motion Industries President in December 2018, Mr. Breaux was Executive Vice President of Marketing, Distribution, Purchasing and Strategic Planning for the company, and has nearly four decades of experience in the industrial manufacturing and distribution markets. He joined Motion Industries in May 2011, following 21 years of leadership roles with ABB/Baldor Electric Company.

Mr. Storer is responsible for all U.S. branch and field sales operations as well as Motion’s Mexico operations. Mr. Storer began his career with Motion Industries in 1987, and was a Branch Manager and Regional Manager prior to becoming Vice President/General Manager of Motion’s Los Angeles Division. In 2006, he was promoted to Vice President/Group Executive before being named Senior Vice President, Western U.S. and President of Motion Mexico in 2014. He was promoted to his current position in 2017.

Source: https://www.motioncanada.ca/contentServer.jsp?AM_ACTION=ContentServerAM&NO_JSP=Y&CONTENT_LINK=%2Fmotion3%2Fjsp%2Fin%2Fcontent%2FMK069625_1551993798484_2.html

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